Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Guess whose scriptures these are. Prize for the person to get it right!

#1 Here is your clue for this set of scriptures: This is a very old Book of Mormon that belonged to one of Grandpa Tom's ancestors.

#2 Clue: This person identifies him/herself in the scripture.

#3 This is a hard one; but the clue is in the page numbers.

#4 Here is the clue: What language is this in?

#5 Clue: This person is obsessive-compulsive with underlining, circling, writing in the margins, underlining again....

#6 Clue: The pages in this one were stuck together for years.


Jenny said...

(this is amy)My guess is:

.1 Great Grandpa Holman
.2 Logan
.3 Josh
.4 Grandpa
.5 Dad
.6 Grandma

Logg said...

#1 - Albert or Alfred (some name that starts with an 'A'
#2 - Your best looking son
#3 - There is no way anyone can infer from this clue as to who these belong to. No one.
#4 - Pops
#5 - Pops
#6 - Gotta be mom

Logg said...

#3 - Josh!! I totally solved it!

Kristy or Josh said...

1. Someone in the Bell line
2. Toad
3. I guess it's mine but I don't understand the clue.
4. Dad
5. Dad
6. Mom

J.R. and Meg +3 said...

I love Logan's "personalized" scriptures--too funny! This is Meg Holman by the way. Fun to connect this way and see what your family is up to. Thanks for helping Marianne out last week for her job:). Nice to have an expert family connection! I gave uncle Dean my blog address and I think he checks in more frequently than my own parents which makes me happy! Way to go having your own blog, Pops!!