Monday, April 6, 2009

Tot, Matt, Ty, and Grandpa Wimmy--They all look good in kilts

Tot didn't know it but he is part of a long tradition of men wearing kilts in his family.
Here is Tot's great-grandpa Wilmer Nicholls in his kilt. Ty and Matt have both worn them for extended periods. Now Tot joins his male relatives (and probably some of his even more distant Scottish ancestors) in the tradition!


Susan said...

Such handsome men in their kilts. Now I have to know why Uncle Wim was wearing one. Please tell. And happy very belated birthday Linda. I had planned on posting some of our "triplet" pictures but I was lazy and didn't get it done.

Your Cuz

Katie Leigh said...

I have to say that when I first saw the picture of Cade, I instantly thought of Grad. Glad I'm not the only one.

Logg said...

Man, our family has nice legs.