Saturday, May 22, 2010

Dad's death, funeral, and burial

As I note on the next post, we moved into my parents' home on April 16th to help my dad take care of my mother, who was in rehab at the time learning how to walk again after a fall damaged a nerve in her left leg. Then we noticed dad was jaundiced, took him to the doctor, and learned the next day he had pancreatic cancer. He died 2 weeks later. We had a very nice funeral. Below are pictures from the burial two days later in the Logan Cemetary. Josh gave a very nice family prayer at the funeral, Nicholle gave the opening prayer for the funeral, Jane, Miles Holman, the bishop and I spoke, Diane Critchfield sang Oh My Father, and Doug Critchfield gave the closing prayer. Ty, Josh, and Logan, along with Travis and Tim Holman, and Kevin Holman were pallbearers. Here you see Logan dedicating the grave. All in all, a nice family-oriented time as we celebrated my father's life, and comforted my mother.The Honor Guard that came was the best I have ever seen at a funeral. They did a great job of honoring military veterans and adding some great pomp and ceremony to the service. The three volleys of rifle fire scared some of the grandchildren, but it was very impressive.


Logg said...

Good times good times. It didn't feel like anything, or anyone, was missing...
Although I would be curious to see how Matt measured up to us in height, he might be able to beat my mile time, but that won't make him any taller.

Mateo said...

Ouch that hurts. I've got no comeback. I guess I'll just have to comfort myself with the knowledge that I will most likely outlive my sedentary younger brothers. Also, I can't help but notice that Logger seems taller than the last time I saw him.