Monday, July 6, 2009

We'll start at the end--in England with the Matt & Jenny Holmans

We left Hahn Airfield in Germany about 10:25 am and got into Stansted Airport north of London about 10:40 am England time--one hour difference. After finally getting through the passport check--which took about 45 minutes because they only had 3, then down to 2 agents working--Matt and Jenny and the kids met us and we took off for the beach! We got to a little seaside town and while Matt bought some fish and chips, I took this picture of Blake, Amy, and Cade. Notice Cade's unique way of wearing sunglasses! Then see a couple of pictures of us on the beach. That is the North Sea we were on. It was so much fun! The beach was quite rocky, like the beach at Laguna Beach where I was with the Young grandkids just a couple of weeks ago. I'll post those pictures soon. So much to post, so boring for all of you, but we are loving it!

We ate our fish and chips and pasta salad, fruit, and cookies Jenny made (or brought the fruit, that is).

We ended our first day with fireworks on the American post and Blake and Amy each won a goldfish. But the best part was the puppet show before we went to the Fireworks. Here are puppeteers and the show! Amy wrote the script and they had a great backdrop they even changed between scenes! Pretty professional.

On Sunday, we went to Church and really enjoyed their ward--they are going to be with great people the next three years! Then we ate a great meal and ended the day with a fun walk. During the afternoon, Cade got into painting, including all over his pants! But they were masterpieces--the paintings, not his pants. I mean "trousers." Over here "pants" are "underwear."


Kristy or Josh said...

Where did they get all of the matching shirts? And why doesn't Jenny have one? By the way parents, check out for some wedding pics

Tigre said...

Matching outfits and a puppet show. Did they also sing "Auf Wiedersehen, Goodnight" before bed like the Van Trapp's?

Max said...

It's time for you to come home, you're gonna start looking like your passport photos.