Saturday, April 25, 2009

Graduation for Logan and "Major Award" for Pops

Logan and I on the way to his BYU graduation. You other BYU grads, notice his blue robes. They now sell them "retainable" robes, but Logan didn't know that and turned it in.Logan and his mom right after his BYU graduation with the Hinckley Center in the background, and some other random people. Now he is off this fall to graduate school--probably.
My department chair, Rick Miller reading a short biography before presenting me with the School of Family Life Achievement Award. The plaque I got is nice enough, but I was expecting a "fra-gee-lay" leg lamp. But the check for $2,500 was better. That is almost the exact amount we need for the repair of the foundation leak we have in our house. Oh well....
Here are Logan and me with our award/diploma, and the person who made it all possible!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Blake glares? I don't believe it! Well, maybe once and a while.

Blake's Aunt Andrea thinks Blake glares. Maybe once and a while.... Oh, but how I love that boy, glare and all!
One time he didn't glare was when he had a rifle in his hands. Hmm, I'm not sure what that means?!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Tot, Matt, Ty, and Grandpa Wimmy--They all look good in kilts

Tot didn't know it but he is part of a long tradition of men wearing kilts in his family.
Here is Tot's great-grandpa Wilmer Nicholls in his kilt. Ty and Matt have both worn them for extended periods. Now Tot joins his male relatives (and probably some of his even more distant Scottish ancestors) in the tradition!