Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Little Debbie's Cosmic Brownies

Okay, so Nicholle had issues with me because I dis-ed Little Debbie's Cosmic Brownies without having had a Little Debbie Brownie in a long time. Maybe it was better than I remembered. Maybe the "Cosmic" (with pieces of candy on top) would make a difference. Nope. 280 calories and 20% of daily fat calories and a funky aftertaste. Sorry Nicholle.


Mateo said...

I also stand by my previous statement. Little Debbie brownies (cosmic or original) are nasty and only good at the bottom of a chocolate mousse pie.

Jenny said...

Nicholle - I have a theory: boys don't know what they're talking about. LONG LIVE COSMIC BROWNIES!

MOJ said...
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MOJ said...

What kind of salad dressing did you put on the brownie? It looks like Kraft Catalina. I would think Thousand Island would be a better topping for Cosmic Brownies. (ha ha)