Friday, July 4, 2008

Our 4th of July--older Holman's style

Our 4th was dull by most people's standards, but we had fun. First, on the 3rd (to avoid the crowds) Linda, my parents and I went up Provo Canyon to Nunn's Park and cooked and ate a great breakfast--scrambled eggs, bacon, fried potatoes, toast, and drink. It tasted absolutely great! Then today we attended the big Provo Freedom Festival Parade. I forgot to take a camera--sorry. But it was very fun; great floats, bands (if overdressed for the weather--see previous blog post), balloons, horses, etc. Then early this evening, Linda prepared a great outdoor meal. Hamburgers, a new and tasty corn salsa, corn chips, and a new Italian ricotta (?sp?) cheesecake that was very good! Josh, Kristy (?sp?), Logan, Kristen (?sp?), mom, dad, Jane, Linda, and I enjoyed the meal in our beautiful backyard.
Next post: New England! We leave for Providence RI on next Wednesday. Bet you can hardly wait to see our pictures.


The Young Family said...

Speaking of overdressed, is mom wearing a parka? How cold is it there?

Mateo said...

Kristy and Kristen?!? How am I supposed to keep that straight? I'm sorry, but one of you has got to go. Or at least take on a psuedonym. Why don't we call one of them Rebecca and the other Susie, or Suz for short?