Friday, July 4, 2008

Moving Memories

Start at the bottom and you see the process. Linda went through everything in every drawer, closet, corner, etc. and decided what to do. We ended up taking about 7-8 pickup loads to the "burn pile" where the old pig house used to be and then burned it. We also took 2-3 loads to the dump of unburnable things. One load had 800 lbs. of old canned good and bottled goods Linda and I pulled out of the basement. The house looks great but it was hard to part with much of the stuff.


Max said...

Mom would've loved that fire! Where's the weinies? Josh, Logan, Matt and Ty, keep your comments to yourselves.

Katie Leigh said...

If I didn't know better, I'd think a fire that big had been started by various Nicholls cousins.

The Young Family said...

Gram always did like a good fire, not necesarily one started from her own handiwork and various pieces of wooden furniture that she had poured her own blood, sweat, and tears into making. Just kidding mom.