Thursday, October 2, 2008

Gourmet Cooks

Yes, we are now gourmet cooks! Linda made the pizza crust, I cooked it on the grill. Then we top it with olive oil, salt, pepper, fresh tomatoes from our garden, fresh basil, and fresh mozzerella cheese. Being empty nesters has its advantages some days.


Logg said...

Bear in mind they are eating out to Mexican places the other 90% of the time. Dad's veins run thick with enchilada sauce.

Pops said...

Umm, ennn-chillll-laaaa-daaaas!

Mateo said...

Grooooooss. I want something goooooood. This is disguuuuuusting.

sound familiar? Probably what I would have said as a kid and definitely what our kids would say.