Sunday, April 13, 2008

I'm not old, I'm just unlucky!

Here is our Corolla. I was heading to the Stake Center to do recommends. I tried turning on a yellow light when it looked like no one was coming. But someone was coming and she evidently didn't see me because she never applied her brakes. No one was hurt, but this is my third thing in about 2 months. I got picked up for speeding (9 miles over) going home from BYU, and then I kind of hit this stop sign in the crosswalk at Kohls.


Katie Leigh said...

Kind of hit a stop sign? How, exactly, do you "kind of" hit a stop sign?

Kristy or Josh said...

You were probably too distracted by all of the great deals at Kohls and just didn't see the stop sign. Shop at Kohls!